No Cardio Required

Dan DiGiacomo
2 min readMar 28, 2023


If you don’t enjoy cardio….

You can go ahead and cut it out immediately.

Because the truth is….cardio isn’t the best way to lose fat.

Strength Training is the best way to boost your metabolism and see real change with both your energy and physique.

This talk is about higher-intensity cardio (running, biking, swimming, etc.) and not lower-intensity cardio like walking.

EVERYONE can benefit from walking regularly, but that’s a discussion for another day.

DISCLAIMER: If you currently do cardio and enjoy it, feel free to keep it up.

But if you love your cardio and don’t incorporate any strength training right now…

It’s worth adding in a few sessions a week.

This message is for people who DON’T ENJOY cardio, but believe it’s the only way to burn fat.

Here’s the quick science break down:

  • Doing cardio only burns calories while you’re working out. If you burn 300 calories after you run for an hour, that’s all you’ll burn. But if you strength train and add muscle mass….you’ll burn more calories while you aren’t working out (that’s the key). Muscle mass pays you metabolic dividends.
  • The more cardio you do, the more efficient your body gets at utilizing calories for it….which means a slower metabolism in the long run.

Strength training helps keep our metabolism elevated when we leave the gym, and that’s the key to weight loss and better health.

But at the end of the day, this still needs to be something that works best for your life.

So unless you love it, get off the treadmill and pick up some dumbbells.

Remember to Trust the Process & Love the Progress

